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How does Rize resolve the challenges when integrating multiple point solutions, and what solutions have they implemented?

Justin Howell

Co-founder & CEO at Rize

Bad infrastructure can kill a lot of businesses. Even the ones who manage to break through and have a huge amount of success are  finding themselves hugely limited. When everybody sees the opportunity to start moving horizontally and adding more capabilities, they think “now that I've built a customer base, how do I surround them with a much wider, more seamlessly integrated set of products and services?” There's a reason why that's really hard to do. All of these Fintechs were built with very rigid tech stacks an​​d adding additional pieces to an old stack is really, really hard. So you see the consequences of outdated technology all the way up and down from infrastructure problems that can prevent you from ever really getting a chance to get to market, to the folks who have had a lot of success, but now are stuck with their ability to only do one thing. They need to add new capabilities to grow their business.

At Rize, we focus on a world where, again, our job is to be the horizontal connective tissue so that your process of getting to market as a neobank is not a 18 to 36 month process, but something that you can do in as little as 6 to 10 weeks. If all you ever want to do is have a bank account and a card, there's a bunch of businesses that can solve that problem for you these days. But if you have a vision where you ever want to do more than that, the way that we've developed our technology makes it a whole lot easier for you to add more capabilities and flexibility over time.

Find this answer in Justin Howell, co-founder and CEO of Rize, on the horizontal infrastructure missing from fintech today
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