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How do the HeadsUp PLG software tools overlap with the different types of conversion tools?

Earl Lee

Co-founder & CEO at HeadsUp

We see reverse ETL tools being owned and operated more by the data team. Sometimes there's a little bit of a blurred line between the data team and the growth team, so if you're talking to a growth team, they're probably going to be fluent in SQL and are going to be able to implement reverse ETL really well. If you're talking to a more traditional sales or revenue ops team, they're not going to be able to do that. They might be able to figure out Zapier. For that reason, there is some distinction there, but I'm not sure it maps cleanly to a broad category of developer tools. Beyond reverse ETL, I'm trying to think what else would be in that first bucket.

I guess a different way to think about it would be: you've got the data stack tools, and then you've got tools that are much more functionally focused on solving a sales problem or a marketing problem or a success problem and that try to do things more end-to-end and to be as non-technically friendly as possible. I think you can consider tools like Workato or Zapier to be in that bucket, just because everything's much more drag-and-drop and GUI-based. But you do see the data tools being owned by the data or analytics team and sometimes the growth team, and then separately rev ops or sales ops will find more end-to-end solutions like a HeadsUp to solve similar problems, but instead of only doing, let's say, this reverse ETL portion really well, these tools will  bleed the edges on what happens before reverse ETL and after reverse ETL. It's things like finding insight or driving automations, not just pushing data around.

One thing that a lot of companies in this PLG CRM category converge upon is moving beyond just displaying usage data in a way that is actionable for sales reps. It's also driving, let’s say, email cadences based on that usage data or alerts so that sales reps know immediately when to take action. You can hack those things together using reverse ETL, analysis, or IPaaS, but the PLG CRM category and tools within it  it make it much easier to ultimately drive that business solution of, “My reps know exactly when to act and they can much more easily take that action.” You'll see integrations into tools like Outreach and Salesloft that make it easy for a sales rep to push an email campaign against a user when a user unlocks some value in the product and have that email cadence ultimately drive towards a conversion.

Find this answer in Earl Lee, co-founder and CEO of HeadsUp, on the modern data stack value chain
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