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How do edge functions work, and how do they differ from traditional CDN technology in terms of delivering dynamic content?

Thom Krupa

Co-founder & CTO at Bejamas

Yeah, that's a good starting point. CDNs used to be just for serving content. You couldn't actually execute any code on CDN. If you have serverless functions, it usually means that there is a location -- maybe in Europe, maybe in the US -- but it's usually one location. Unless you're an Enterprise, in which case you could have multiple locations -- but at a higher cost. For example, Vercel has this feature but only available in their Enterprise account. Needless to say, it's not for everyone. Usually it's just only one location, and it can be slow because you can't be fast everywhere.

But edge is the opposite. You can run code and run functions on the CDN. Cloudflare Workers is a good example of edge functions. Actually, Vercel uses Cloudflare under the hood too. With edge, you can be fast everywhere, execute some code, render HTML and pages for every user. It can be highly dynamic and very scalable.

Find this answer in Thom Krupa, co-founder of Bejamas, on building dynamic apps on the Jamstack
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