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Does Clearbit see itself becoming more of an API or platform business, and how do these two models complement each other, if at all?

Matt Sornson
Co-founder at Clearbit
I think it stays core. It's something we’ve thought a lot about, because there is some inherent tension between the two. If you have APIs that people can use, some of those use cases, they might be able to do them cheaper, directly, than we would charge them on the platform. There are ways to game the pricing mechanism, etc. But we decided we didn't want to lose the innovation edge, which was having so many amazing people building cool stuff on top of it. It gives us insight into what's possible, but also what's working.
And actually, the platform, really, opens up a whole new set of things you can build on top of the APIs, because there's platform APIs—I think will come out officially in Q4 here—which lets you pull data from the platform and use that in other places. What that really lets you do is pull data from your CRM data combined with Clearbit data, with insight data, and now you can pull the computed or aggregate schema out to use it somewhere else. We're really just increasing the surface area of APIs, but helping do a little bit of data transformation along the way.