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Do emerging frameworks like Blitz.js and RedwoodJS indicate the emergence of a hybrid or post-Jamstack category of web development?

Jamund Ferguson

Senior Frontend Engineer at Amazon

I agree with you. I haven't used those specific tools, but you have that. You also have the emergence of people that are saying, “You know what? All these React-based frameworks, we're sick of them. We want things to be even faster.” A lot of the folks that push web components and really hardcore web performance are saying, “Can we get these static site generators to not generate any JavaScript?” Because the problem is, even with these Jamstack sites, a lot of times they're still very JavaScript-heavy, even if they're just displaying content. It's all client-side rendered oftentimes, and it can take longer than it really needs to just to display some content on a page. So you do have this server-rendered set of tools that you mentioned.

But there's also another set of tools that are static site generators offering interactivity without paying as much of a cost in terms of your web performance. Astro is one that I'm very interested in right now. It'll fully static site generate your page, but it still allows you to add interactivity without paying as much of a performance penalty as maybe a Gatsby-type tool would do. I think there's a little bit of renewed interest in, “How can we do this Jamstack stuff without paying as much client-side app penalty?”

Like I said, web performance has been a really interesting driver of a lot of these trends, because Google is pushing their web vitals as part of some of their SEO. You see a lot more people -- especially in the ecommerce world and other worlds that are really SEO-driven -- doing everything they can to make their websites a little bit faster. So that's another trend that I think is driving tools in a few different directions.

Find this answer in Jamund Ferguson, senior engineer at PayPal, on using Jamstack in the enterprise
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