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Do customers ever express interest in taking QuickNode's infrastructure solution in-house?

Auston Bunsen

Co-founder at QuickNode

No. The unfortunate truth right now is that we are by far the most competitive priced product on the market. If you took a customer of ours and put them on a competitor, their bill would 10X. If you put them on a cloud provider, their bill would 3X. That's because they would have to hire a DevOps engineer and get all this crazy swagged-out hardware. They would be paying list price for whatever cloud provider they're using.

We, on the other hand, have a competitive advantage, given my co-founders have 20 years in data center management experience. They know how to tweak the contract on a cloud provider (DigitalOcean, Oracle, AWS, etc.) to get the discount that we need.

Find this answer in Auston Bunsen, Co-Founder of QuickNode, on the infrastructure of multi-chain
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