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Can Vested both partner with and compete against founder-centric wealth management platforms like Compound and Savvy?

Dave Thornton

co-founder of Vested

I think much more likely partner. If you think about our market in concentric circles, the smallest ring that we're in right now is helping ex-employees fund their options on their way out the door. There is a substantial amount of growth just one ring out, which is helping current employees fund their options.  Then another ring out, maybe one day getting to the founder part of the capital stack or even further out, the preferred part of the capital stack. There's plenty of runway within the smallest ring as is. As we expand, it's probably not going to be horizontally. It'll probably be vertically within the capital stack. 

So we view wealth management firms as a great partner. We're not likely to get into wealth management, though all of our customers who have liquidity events will need wealth management. My sense is we should be symbiotically referring to each other at the appropriate time. When we have a customer who's having a liquidity event, they're going to need a referral to wealth management. When somebody helps a wealth management customer look at a new job or think about whether they should go find option exercise funding, they can think of us.

Find this answer in Dave Thornton, co-founder of Vested, on unlocking startup employee equity
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