We've completely revamped Explore to make working with Sacra data way easier.
Filter and sort companies by whatever criteria matter to you, browse matching companies with company info laid out in tabular form, and export all of that data to a spreadsheet with a single click.
Export to XLS and CSV is available for Pro members.
Why We Rebuilt Explore
As we started breaking out the data from our reports into structured data, we started getting requests for lists of companies — especially from growth and secondary funds. They'd reach out asking, "Hey, can you send me a list of all companies on the platform that match [insert specific investment criteria]?"
At first, we built an internal tool to generate these lists and would manually send them to customers. At the same time, our existing explore experience kinda sucked.
That's why we decided to rebuild our explore tab with a completely new experience—to make Sacra data a lot more useful in navigating our research and finding the companies that matter most to you.
Inspired by Airtable, we're enabling you to filter & sort by any structured data field that we have in Sacra with an interactive database experience.
How to Use the New Explore
For example, you can say—show me companies making over $30M a year, growing at 50%+ year-over-year, with valuations under $1B. Mix and match whatever criteria matter to you.

Whereas the previous view wasn't very information dense and required a lot of scrolling, here all of the data is in tabular form and you can view tens of rows in a single view.
And when you find something interesting? Just export it to Sheets or Excel with one click. Take it, run with it, add it to your watchlist, whatever you need.
Jump In
This is just the beginning. We're already working on adding more filtering options like founding date, geography, and other metrics you've been asking for.
We're committed to making this the easiest way to find & research growth and pre-IPO companies based on fundamentals data.
Export is available for Pro members.