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CircleCI is a continuous integration and delivery platform designed to automate software development processes, enabling developers to build, test, and deploy applications efficiently and reliably.




Funding Rounds

Share Name Issue Price Issued At
Series F $19.7689 May 2021
Share Name Issue Price Issued At
Series E $8.417 Apr 2020
Share Name Issue Price Issued At
Series D $5.108 Jul 2019
Share Name Issue Price Issued At
Series C $2.7761 Jan 2018
Share Name Issue Price Issued At
Series B $2.1091 May 2016
Share Name Issue Price Issued At
Series A-1 $1.595 Feb 2014
Series A $1.4306 Feb 2014
Share Name Issue Price Issued At
Series Seed $0.7359 Feb 2013
View the source Certificate of Incorporation copy.



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